Mamluks defeat Mongols in the Battle of Ain Jalut

Mongol horsemen in battle , from History of the World by Rashid al-Din

September 3 1260 – 26 Elul 5020

The Mamluks defeated the Mongol army at the battle of Ain Jalut in the Jezreel Valley. This battle turned the tide of Mongol expansion under Mongke and Hulagu Kahn, as it was the first real defeat the Mongols had suffered since the empire reached its peak. Fighting at the foot of Mount Gilboa, the Mongol general Kitbuqa pursued when the Mamluks under Baibars feigned retreat, allowing his army to be drawn into open ground, where it were ambushed by the rest of the Mamluk army and destroyed. Busy with succession struggles closer to home, the Mongols never returned to the Holy Land.