The Farthest Refuge
When Portugal conquered South America’s Dutch colonies, erstwhile conversos who’d found freedom there became the first Jewish refugees to seek haven in the port of New Amsterdam, today’s New York // Aliza Moreno-Goldschmidt
Lady Liberty’s Jewish Voice
Though her famous poem welcomed all comers to American shores, Emma Lazarus envisioned a different destination for Europe’s outcast Jewish population. Yet her Zionist vision wasn’t intended for her fellow American Jews // Shira Wolosky
HIAS’ Helping Hand
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society shepherded bewildered Jews through the U.S. immigration process, from their first steps on Ellis Island through English classes and citizenship exams. But what role could the organization play when no Jewish refugees remained? // Gur Alroi
The Too Jewish Missionary
What better way to persuade Jews to join you than to promise them a greater role than anyone else? And who better to do it than a seasoned trickster and converted Jew? The rise and fall of Leopold Cohen and his mission to bring Jews to Jesus // Menachem Keren-Kratz
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Making Jews Count
Where will the majority of world Jewry soon reside – America or Israel? It depends on how you define Jewish identity – by birth, behavior, or belief // Michelle Shain
This Month in History – Sivan
Hot off the Press
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A Day at the Museum – ANU Museum of Jewish Peoplehood
Sports – Mo Berg
Portrait of a People – George Bellows
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